We create customized job workflows to help businesses grow.
Why choose WF Integrator for your business workflow?
Unlike other systems that constantly charge you monthly fees, we only charge you one time.
And it’s affordable with a Job Status System™ starting at $1979. That’s customized for your business and installed.
WF Integrator has the best affordable job tracking workflows for you because it will save you time and money. The WF Job Status Systems™ helps make running your business easy:
Easy to use
since we customize it
for your company.
Easy to learn
because we keep it simple
for everyone to use.
Easy to see
your company
at a single glance
As the economic slowdown approaches, some business will need to get lean and more efficient. Other businesses will see this as a time of growth and need to be more organized than ever with jobs. In either case, your business will profit from smooth running processes that do not let details fall through the cracks.
So many times a business will finish the work, pay their team, pay for the supplies and equipment but somewhere in the rush, they do not get paid by the customer. A good job status system™ allows the leaders to spot most problems.
Google Reviews
I was tired of having to check with my teams to see the status of jobs and if there were problems. Seemed to be wasting a lot of time calling…Read More > >
I know there are a lot of great reasons to have a workflow but the discussions area really save time. Many jobs run into problems and this allows my team…Read More > >
The easy to use WF Integrator Job Status Systems™ feature:
Fully Functional Workflow
One time fee- No setup fee of $400.
- Includes numerous features for up to 5 users.
- Additional users are $75 one time fee
- Not sure? After using it for 90 days you can cancel.
Now you can see the big picture and make decisions based on knowledge.
1. Customized for your business
2. Set up on your intranet portal site
3. Date due notifications
4. Alerts of approaching deadlines
5. See your business projects all at once
6. Get closeup status views of jobs
7. Knowledgeable Support

The WF Job Status System organizes labor processes and tasks visually. It follows the Toyota Production System’s Kanban principles of continuous improvement, adaptability, and efficiency.
The board is frequently divided into columns indicating workflow steps. These columns are usually called “Not Started,” “In Progress,” and “Completed,” but they can be altered. Each column has moveable cards for jobs or work items.
As tasks continue, team members slide these cards across the board. A task may start in “To Do”, move to “In Progress” when started, and then to “Done” when finished.
This job progress ystem visualizes work in progress, helping teams detect bottlenecks, prioritize jobs, and maintain a continuous workflow. They support a pull-based approach that only moves work forward when capacity is available to control workload and maximize efficiency.